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What We Offer

A Cup of Coffee and a Second Opinion


When the markets turn as volatile and confusing as they have been over the past year, even the most patient investors may come to question the wisdom of the investment plan that they’ve been following.

At Assante Financial Management, we’ve seen a lot of difficult markets come and go and we can certainly empathize with the people who find the current environment troublesome and disturbing. We’d like to help, if we can, and to that end here’s what we offer:

A cup of coffee and a second opinion

By appointment, you’re welcome to come in and sit with us for a while. We’ll ask you to outline your financial goals – what your investment portfolio is intended to do for you. Then we’ll review the portfolio with you. 

If we think your investments continue to be well-suited to your long term goals – in spite of the current market turmoil – we’ll gladly tell you so, and send you on your way. If, on the other hand, we think some of your investments no longer fit your goals, we’ll explain why, in plain English. And, if you like, we’ll recommend some alternatives.

Either way, the coffee is on us.

Please contact us at 519-744-3020 or gszlagowski@assante.com to arrange an appointment with Glenn at your convenience.



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